Social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is a concept, which encompasses measures that in one way or the other benefit both company and society.

ArtiCon is one of the biggest construction companies in the Faroe Islands, and we are aware that we play a significant societal role. The company’s operations influences both people and the environment, we therefore strive to prevent that we cause any negative social impact. Instead, we seek to create value in a responsible manner to the benefit of the company and society as a whole.

Our focus areas are:

  • Staff
    • Safety and security
    • Environment
    • Social responsibility
    • Ethics


Our staff are our most important resource, we therefore strive to foster the best possible conditions for enjoying work and a healthy work-life balance.

We want to ensure:

  • that all our staff have a clear contractual relationship, which, as a minimum, complies with all applicable wage agreements and labour legislation in force
    • that staff have the opportunity to access continuing professional development
    • that we have a diverse pool of staff, both in terms of trade, profession and age

Our main objective is:

  • to foster a high level of work welfare
    • to reduce absence due to illness
    • to organise vocational and professional development opportunities as needed

Safety and security

At ArtiCon we are aware that the construction industry statistically is amongst the sectors where most occupational injuries occur. We will therefore put extra energy into prevention, so we can ensure that nobody suffers any injury in employment with ArtiCon.

We want to ensure:

  • that nobody sustains any injury or lasting harm in ArtiCon’s employ
    • that our staff feel safe in their work for ArtiCon
    • that we enjoy sound and constructive cooperation with the Faroese Work Environment and Fire Safety Authority and other relevant authorities.

Our main objective is:

  • to limit the number of occupational injuries to the greatest extent possible.


At ArtiCon we are aware of our environmental responsibility in relation to our operations.

We want to ensure:

  • that we consider the environment and use resources sensibly
    • that we use up-to-date technology in all areas.

Our main objective is:

  • to ensure that our operations have as little negative impact on the environment as possible.


At ArtiCon we are aware that our activities are part of shaping Faroese society. We therefore also wish to contribute to the continuous development of Faroese society.

We want to ensure:

  • that we support charitable causes, sports and culture
    • that we contribute to developing the Faroese labour market and the Faroese workforce
    • that we give people the opportunity to access vocational training and education

Our main objective is:

  • that Faroese society perceive ArtiCon as a responsible partner in developing society.


ArtiCon has multiple external relationships, and there is therefore a risk of unknowingly committing misconduct. We wish to prevent this.

We want to ensure:

  • that we have clear guidelines in all relevant ethical areas
    • that our staff conduct themselves appropriately in all their work for ArtiCon
    • that all our activities are based on truthfulness and transparency.

Our main objective is:

  • to prevent that ArtiCon behave unethically in its operations.