For ArtiCon a well educated and motivated work force in all areas of the company is key to the company’s capacity to honour any commitment undertaken. A workforce made up of competent individuals, who together are capable of successfully undertaking any project in the building and construction industry, as well as maritime outfitting and carpentry.

ArtiCon has an in-house staff of experienced engineers, building constructors, technicians and economists with the expertise to plan, execute and generally master-mind a broad range of projects.

At the building site, ArtiCon has a full workforce of machine and truck operators, blast experts, earth and sewer experts, concrete masons, carpenters, bricklayers, painters and other highly skilled tradespeople. A well-integrated team dedicated to delivering good results.

Our projects and daily operations are managed by smaller task teams depending on the nature and scale of the contract.

ArtiCon takes great care to provide continuous training and education for the workforce, combined with safe, healthy and attractive working conditions.


Jón Sigurdsson
+298 210 683
Niclas Joensen
+298 216 169
Sunnvard Andreasen
COO construction
+298 226 117
Torleif Waagstein
COO infrastructure
+298 216 122
Project management
Eyðfinn Guttesen
Project manager
+298 216 132
Knút Jacobsen
Project manager
+298 280 001
Esben H. Jacobsen
Project manager
+298 226142
Jógvan G. Müller
Service team manager
+298 286 141
Elin á Heyggi
Project manager
+298 221353
Rasmus Eysturoy
Project manager
+298 226187
Concrete sales
Klæmint Mittún
+298 226131
Búi Falkvard Clementsen
department manager
+298 216509
Element production for timber and concrete
Kaj Wacher
+298 286121
Robert Gardar
Manager for equipment department
+298 286 168
Work shop
Bárður Árnason
+298 216102
Jónas á Stongum
Technical manager
Jan Hentze
Storage and purchasing
+298 216 160
HR - staff
Heri Kjærbo
HR manager
+298 286 171
Rakul B. Gardar
HR consultant
+298 286 122
Kristina Ejdesgaard
HR consultant
+298 275127
HSE - Healt, safety and enviroment
Evelyn Gaard
HSE manager
+298 216 188
Tórður Olsen
HSE consultant
+298 216134
Rógvi Hansen
Purchasing manager
+298 222 075
Christian Danielsen
Financial manager
+298 216 159